Parliamentary praise for GMAC’s Wilma Smith

Glasgow Media Access Centre’s (GMAC) Filmmakers Programme Manager has been appointed Co-Vice President of Screen Talent Europe (STE), an organisation focused on connecting emerging filmmakers.   Glasgow Kelvin MSP Kaukab Stewart visited GMAC – based on Trongate – to learn more about what support the organisation gives to budding filmmakers in the local area, and [...]

Social Security Scotland – building a benefit system to tackle inequality

Last week I read an article in the Daily Record that really rankled with me. It was about the new Social Security Scotland system being developed by the Scottish Government to deliver a range of benefits. Some of these benefits we are taking over from the UK Government, and some are brand new benefits, like [...]

Scotland – A Good Food Nation

UPDATE - 16 June 2022 I am pleased to report that the Good Food Nation (Scotland) Bill was passed into law on 15 June. It was amended to include the establishment of an independent commission to oversee implementation of its many important clauses. I was fortunate to be selected to speak in the debate and [...]

Making Scotland Hostile to Trafficking and a Safe Place for Ukrainian Refugees

I spoke in this Members' Debate brought to the Parliament by my colleague Bill Kidd MSP. There were many powerful and well informed debates during the course of the debate and you can view the full debate on the Scottish Parliament website. You can watch my contribution here.

2022-06-14T13:30:26+00:00June 14th, 2022|Parliament, Refugees, sexual health|0 Comments

Race Equality and Anti-Racism in Education – Supplementary Question, 12 May 2022

In parliament on 12 May Kaukab took the opportunity to ask the Cabinet Secretary a supplementary question on the subject of Race Equality and Anti-Racism in Education. She also invited her to welcome Glasgow City Council's recent motion in favour of the decolonisation of the curriculum, and its modern studies guide now available to schools throughout [...]

Statement on Protests at the Sandyford Sexual Health Clinic

Many constituents have contacted Kaukab about the disturbing reports of noisy and intimidating anti-abortion protestors targeting the Sandyford Clinic in Glasgow Kelvin earlier this week. Kaukab believes the protestors' actions to be wholly inappropriate and unacceptable. People exercising their autonomous right to healthcare services should not face protests and intimidation as they do so. Kaukab [...]

2022-05-26T15:53:33+00:00May 13th, 2022|Mental Health, Parliament, sexual health|0 Comments

Cost of the School Day – speech by Kaukab Stewart MSP on 26.4.22

Kaukab contributed to the following debate that took place in parliament on 26 April 2022. *S6M-04138 Shirley-Anne Somerville: Reducing the Cost of the School Day for Low Income Families—That the Parliament recognises the actions being taken to support children and young people in low-income families to access school education; notes that Scottish Government commitments include [...]

2022-04-29T15:45:48+00:00April 29th, 2022|Parliament, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Statement on the UK Government’s Proposal to sending Refugees and Asylum Seekers to Rwanda

Here is Kaukab's response to the UK Government's asylum policy proposal to send some refugees and asylum seekers to Rwanda for their claims to be processed: 'I am deeply concerned by the inhumane and abhorrent UK asylum policy proposal suggesting that some refugees and asylum seekers be deported to Rwanda for their cases to be [...]

2022-05-04T10:40:55+00:00April 28th, 2022|Parliament|0 Comments
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