Kaukab contributed to the following debate that took place in parliament on 26 April 2022.
*S6M-04138 Shirley-Anne Somerville: Reducing the Cost of the School Day for Low Income Families—That the Parliament recognises the actions being taken to support children and young people in low-income families to access school education; notes that Scottish Government commitments include expansion of free school meals, provision of free school milk, removal of core curriculum charges, ensuring low-income families do not face costs for curriculum-related trips, abolition of fees for instrumental music tuition, increasing the school clothing grant, producing guidance to reduce school uniform costs, provision of a digital device and connectivity to every pupil, and services to support income maximisation, and recognises that this complements the wide range of policy initiatives set out in the Scottish Government’s Child Poverty Strategy for Scotland, to maximise household resources and improve children’s wellbeing and life chances.
Watch Kaukab’s speech here. Subscribe to Kaukab’s YouTube channel to catch up with some of her speeches and questions asked in parliament.
#costoftheschool day #childpovertyactiongroup #cpag