SNP MSP for Glasgow Kelvin, Kaukab Stewart, met with the Young European Movement in Glasgow City Chambers at the weekend where she made clear the SNP’s commitment to Scotland re-joining the European Union after independence. Those attending the event included students from the UK and across the European continent, who were able to put questions to Ms Stewart and other elected representatives.
Topics discussed included: re-joining the EU; access to freedom of movement; Scotland’s constitutional future; the loss of the Erasmus programme and the introduction of the Turing scheme.
Commenting, Kaukab Stewart MSP said:
“I was delighted to spend an afternoon discussing the concerns and aspirations young people have, particularly in relation to Brexit and Scotland’s future with the EU.
“There is no doubt Brexit has deepened the economic hardship everyone is feeling, worsening the cost of living crisis, which is disproportionately impacting younger generations. If the direction Scotland is being taken in doesn’t change dramatically, we are faced with a generation potentially being subject to worse living standards through their adult lives than previous generations. The best change we can make is to re-join the EU, with full access to the Single Market and freedom of movement.
“The Conservatives transformed themselves into UKIP following the EU Referendum in 2016, and sadly now Labour and the Liberal Democrats have abandoned their support for the UK becoming a full EU member again. It’s clear the only way to achieve this for Scotland is through independence.
“Other parties can take whatever message they like to the general election next year, and they can explain to Scottish voters why they should vote to stay out o the EU. The SNP will be taking a very clear message: a vote for the SNP is a vote for Scotland to become independent. It’s a vote for our future as a European nation.”