Last week I had the pleasure of visiting Advice Direct Scotland in my constituency, where I learned that every year £20 billion of benefits entitlement across the UK goes unclaimed, including a staggering £1.7 billion in pension credit alone. Advice Direct Scotland has created a free online tool for anyone in Scotland to check their entitlement to both devolved and reserved benefits. Go to their Knowledge Centre and use the Benefit Calculator to find out if you are entitled to claim any benefits you were not aware of. Be sure to claim what you are entitled to!

If you are struggling to complete a claim Advice Direct Scotland can help. As they state on their website ‘Impartial advice should be available to everyone in Scotland, at no cost, regardless of personal circumstance. No subject matter is inconsequential, unimportant or a waste of time. Pick up the phone, ping off an email, talk to us via webchat or even send us a tweet – we are here for you whenever you need us.’

With so many households struggling with rising costs and debt, it is more important than ever that people get the support they are entitled to.


I strongly welcome the Scottish Government’s benefit uptake strategy and proactive measures to increase the take-up of devolved benefits and I urge you to visit Advice Direct Scotland to ensure you are not missing out on the benefits you are entitled to claim, and which could help your household through these difficult times.

#costoflivingcrisis #welfarematters #socialsecurityscotland #advicedirectscotland